Click on. Summary report" to generate a summary of cumulative stats entered for that season. The statistics entered using the Edit season data function are used for calculating both season cumulative and overall career statistics reports. It is recommended that you enter statistics for all players in each season database to make sure that complete data is available for calculating both season and career per-game statistics and leaders for each category. A detailed description of how to use the Edit season data screens is described in "Editing career/historical statistics" below.
Click on. > to activate the appropriate editor and enter the criteria values. The editor used in the criteria values box is determined by the data type assigned to the corresponding field.
Click on. 2. On the top left hand corner, enter the English word that you want to look up in the dic- tionary and hit Enter. The explanation in Chinese will pop up almost immediately. There are a number of buttons which you can see the usage example or the detailed ex- planation. Click will command the system to read out the character. Previous Word / Next Word buttons let you check the meaning of the next character or the previous one. Click Copy button to copy the se- lected contents. Click System Setting button to invoke the Setting window for setting recognition language recognition results, document Property and Interface language . Tip: Due to the pre-emptive nature of the Translator, you do not need to input the char- acters completely. Hitting Enter will usually let the system complete the word and translation for you.
Click on. [BoardRecogData] sheet on [BoardData] window opens.
Click on. [BlockData] window opens.
Click on. [MountData] window opens. • When sorting is completed, block data have already been expanded. 293C-EPt-Ed-001
Click on. Perform printing following the setting. • When checking or editing the printing image, Preview click on . 4T3C-EPt-EdFp-001 Close
Click on. 2. On the top left hand corner, enter the English word that you want to look up in the dic- tionary and hit Enter. The explanation in Chinese will pop up almost immediately. There are a number of buttons which you can see the usage example or the detailed ex- planation.
Click on. 2. Enter the information on the employee in the corresponding fields. If the employee has a competency card we recommend you refer to it when creating the employee’s file. The sections preceded by a red asterisk are mandatory and you will be unable to complete your request without them. To fill-in the Departure Date, Trade Code and Hourly Rate sections please refer to page 7.
Click on. 2. Enter the year and month of the online monthly report you would like to generate and click on .