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Frequently Asked Questions

What advanced search features will I have access to?
With millions of contracts and clauses in our database, our advanced search features make it easy for you to quickly find exactly what you’re looking for. You can filter your search by: exact phrases, excluded terms, clause title, agreement/document type, jurisdiction, and filing year date.
Are Private Contract Libraries and API access included?
Yes, Private Contract Libraries and API access to your libraries are included with all accounts free of charge.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes, you can cancel or downgrade your subscription at any time.
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Yes, you can change your plan at any time. If you upgrade, you’ll be asked to pay the prorated difference in price for your current billing period. If you downgrade plans, you will continue on your existing plan until your next billing cycle.
What types of payments do you accept?
Currently, we accept credit and debit cards (Visa, MC, AMEX, Discover, FPX, JCB, iDEAL, EPS), bank transfer (ACH), Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal upon request. Other payment options are coming soon so stay tuned!
Do you offer free access to students and faculty?
No, Law Insider no longer offers free access to students and faculty.
Do you offer free access to government employees?
Yes, we offer free Law Insider access to government agencies and employees. Open form to get started.
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