Settlement of Grievances Sample Clauses

Settlement of Grievances. The applicable procedures of this Agreement shall be followed for the settlement of all grievances. All grievances shall be considered carefully and processed promptly.
Settlement of Grievances. All grievances shall be settled in accordance with the grievance procedure set forth below:
Settlement of Grievances. 8.01 The Company and the Union agree that grievances should be adjusted as quickly as possible in the manner set out herein and without suspension, interruption or disruption of the normal operations of the Company.
Settlement of Grievances. Grievances shall be processed without stoppage of work according to the following procedure:
Settlement of Grievances a. Any grievance that is jointly agreed to be resolved will be documented in a written settlement agreement using the settlement agreement template (Appendix D), which the grievant, Union, and the Deciding Official will sign and date.
Settlement of Grievances. Any grievance shall be considered settled at 26 the completion of any step in the procedure if all parties concerned are mutually 27 satisfied. Dissatisfaction is implied in recourse from one step to the next.
Settlement of Grievances. 7.01 Any complaint, disagreement or difference of opinion between the Company and the Union, or the employees covered by this Agreement, which concerns the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, shall be considered as a grievance.
Settlement of Grievances. Settlements of grievances under Section 6 of this Article shall be reduced to writing, signed, and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Chief Court Administrator or designee. No settlement at Steps I or II shall constitute a precedent for future grievances or arbitration, unless the parties to the Agreement agree to the contrary; accordingly, except by mutual agreement, such settlements shall not be admissible as evidence in any arbitration proceeding. Settlements at Step III of the grievance procedure shall be deemed precedential unless the parties expressly state to the contrary in the settlement agreement.
Settlement of Grievances. 12.01 In the event that a difference arises between the parties hereto or any person bound by this agreement regarding:
Settlement of Grievances. Any grievance shall be considered settled at 22 the completion of any step in the procedure if the Association and the County are 23 mutually satisfied. Dissatisfaction is implied in recourse from one step to the 24 next.