Section 8.2 Sample Clauses

Section 8.2. 6 Each new hire shall remain in a probationary status for a period of not more than ninety (90) working 7 days following the hire date. During this probationary period the District may discharge such employee 8 at its discretion; such discharge shall not be subject to Article IX and XII. Upon completion of the 9 probationary period, the employee will be subject to all rights and duties contained in this Agreement 10 retroactive to the hire date. All probationary employees shall be evaluated within the first ninety (90) 11 working days of employment using the evaluation forms found in the bargaining agreement.
Section 8.2. 1. 8 Annual vacation with pay shall accrue to secretarial employees and 2,080 hour aides at the rate of 9 one (1) workday for each month of continuous service if their employment is continuous for six 10 (6) months or longer. After the completion of the fifth (5th) year, or beginning with the sixth (6th) 11 year of continuous employment, one (1) additional workday of vacation with pay shall be allowed 12 each year through the thirteenth (13th) year of employment to a maximum of twenty (20) workdays 13 each year. At the completion of 21 years of employment shall receive twenty-two (22) workdays 14 each year. Vacation Schedule Years of Service Vacation Days 6 13 7 14 8 15 9 16 10 16 11 18 13-20 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Section 8.2. 11 All BPAC positions listed above are on call positions. The amount of hours and days of work available 12 will depend upon the actual number of events and performances held in the BPAC and the staffing needs 13 for each event.
Section 8.2. 5 An employee teaching a morning and afternoon kindergarten session shall be provided 46 no less than thirty (30) minutes, excluding duty free lunch period, for transition between the sessions. 47
Section 8.2. 6 All hours worked on the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) consecutive day shall be compensated at the rate of 7 one and one-half (1½) times the employee's base hourly rate.
Section 8.2. Each regular employee shall be entitled to earn other paid leave to be used for 43 employee illness, injury, (temporary disability, and maternity) or emergency leave as defined herein. 45 A deduction of other paid leave credit will be made for the number of hours of absence from duty, to 46 the nearest quarter hour period of time, for other paid leave taken.
Section 8.2. 18 Each new hire shall remain in a probationary status for a period of not more than six (6) months 19 following the hire date. During this probationary period, the District may discharge such employee at 20 its discretion. If a probationary employee applies for and receives a position in a different job 21 classification, the employee’s six (6) month probationary period will start over.
Section 8.2. 1. 19 Vacation shall be automatically credited on a monthly accrual basis. Full-year employees shall 20 be eligible to utilize vacation upon completion of their probationary period.
Section 8.2. 36 The District shall establish work shifts with designated times of beginning and ending. Each shift shall 37 include adequate time to perform assigned duties, plus rest periods of approximately fifteen (15) 38 minutes in the morning and fifteen (15) minutes in the afternoon. This shall mean that the first four (4) 39 hours of work shall include a fifteen (15) minute break at or near the middle of the four (4) hour 40 period. Shifts in excess of four (4) hours shall include, in addition to the above, a lunch period of not 41 less than thirty (30) minutes, to be as near the middle of the shift as possible. Shifts that are six (6) 42 hours or more of work shall include an additional fifteen (15) minute break at or near the middle of the 43 work period following the lunch period. A modified work schedule may be arranged through mutual 44 agreement between the classified employee and the building administrator.
Section 8.2. 6 If an employee is required to work on any of the above-named holidays she/he shall be paid at the rate 7 of double time for hours worked in addition to holiday pay.