Form of Certification Sample Clauses

Form of Certification. In connection with any certification contemplated by Section 3.4, relating to compliance with certain restrictions relating to transfers of Restricted Certificates, such certification shall be provided substantially in the form of Exhibit C hereto, with only such changes as shall be reasonably approved by the Facility Lessees and reasonably acceptable to the Pass Through Trustee.
Form of Certification. 19 SECTION 4. DISTRIBUTIONS; STATEMENTS TO CERTIFICATEHOLDERS .................... 20 Section 4.1. Certificate Account and Special Payments Account ............ 20 Section 4.2. Distributions from Certificate Account and Special Payments Account ............................................ 20 Section 4.3. Statements to Certificateholders ............................ 22 Section 4.4. Investment of Special Payment Moneys ........................ 22
Form of Certification. Whenever any certification is required to be given to evidence compliance with certain restrictions relating to transfers of Restricted Securities contemplated by Section 3.5(b)(iv), Section 3.5(c) or Section 13.2, such certification shall be provided substantially in the form of the following certificate, with only such changes as shall be approved by the Company and the Initial Purchasers. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE The undersigned Holder hereby certifies with respect to U.S.$_____ principal amount of the above-captioned securities presented or surrendered on the date hereof (the "Surrendered Securities") for registration of transfer, or for exchange or conversion where the securities issuable upon such exchange or conversion are to be registered in a name other than that of the undersigned Holder (each such transaction being a "transfer"), that such transfer complies with the restrictive legend set forth on the face of the Surrendered Securities for the reason checked below: ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities complies with Rule 144 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"); or ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities complies with Rule 144A under the Securities Act; or ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities complies with Rule 904 of Regulation S under the Securities Act; or ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities is pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act, the prospectus delivery requirements under the Securities Act have been satisfied with respect to such transfer, the undersigned Holder is named as a "Selling Securityholder" in the prospectus relating to such registration statement, or in amendments or supplements thereto, and the aggregate principal amount of Surrendered Securities transferred are all or a portion of the securities listed in such prospectus opposite the undersigned's name. Dated: ___________________* * To be dated the date of surrender. ---------------------------------- Signature (If the registered owner is a corporation, partnership or fiduciary, the title of the Person signing on behalf of such registered owner must be stated.)
Form of Certification. ( a) T h e Ch ief E xec u t ive Office r , i.e., t h e m os t se n io r office r wi t h i n t h e fi r m desig n a t ed b y t h e bo a r d of di r ec t o r s, ow n e r s, s t oc k h olde r s, o r co n t r olli n g bod y a s r espo n s ible fo r t h e di r ec t io n a n d m a n a ge m e n t of t h e fi r m , of e a c h co mm o n c a rr ie r a n d oce a n f r eig h t fo r - w a r de r a n d, w h e n so o r de r ed b y t h e Co mm issio n , t h e Ch ief E xec u t ive Offi- ce r of a ny s h ippe r , s h ippe r s’ a ssoci a- t io n , m a r i n e t e r m i n a l ope r a t o r , o r b r o k e r , s h a ll file wi t h t h e S ec r e t a ry , F ede r a l M a r i t i m e Co mm issio n , a w r i t - t e n ce r t ific a t io n , un xx x x x x x , a s p r e- sc r ibed i n t h e fo r m a t i n a ppe n xxx A t o t h i s p a r t , a tt es t i n g:
Form of Certification. This certification (“Certification”) is delivered by CalRENEW-1 LLC (“Seller”) to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“Buyer”) in accordance with the terms of that certain Power Purchase and Sale Agreement dated (“Agreement”) by and between Seller and Buyer. All capitalized terms used in this Certification but not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings assigned to such terms in the Agreement. Seller hereby certifies and represents to Buyer the following:
Form of Certification. Whenever any certification is required to be given to evidence compliance with certain restrictions relating to transfers of Restricted Securities contemplated by Section 3.05(b)(vi), Section 3.05(c) or Section 13.02, such certification shall be provided substantially in the form of the following certificate, with only such changes as shall be approved by the Company and the Initial Purchasers.
Form of Certification. Whenever any certification is required to be given to evidence compliance with certain restrictions relating to transfers of Restricted Securities contemplated by Section 3.05(b)(iv), Section 3.05(c) or Section 13.02, such certification shall be provided substantially in the form of the following certificate, with only such changes as shall be approved by the Company and the Initial Purchasers, TRANSFER CERTIFICATE The undersigned Holder hereby certifies with respect to U.S.$____ principal amount of the above-captioned securities presented or surrendered on the date hereof (the "Surrendered Securities") for registration of transfer, or for exchange or conversion where the securities issuable upon such exchange or conversion are to be registered in a name other than that of the undersigned Holder (each such transaction being a "transfer"), that such transfer complies with the restrictive legend set forth on the face of the Surrendered Securities for the reason checked below: The transfer of the Surrendered Securities complies with Rule 144 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act"); or The transfer of the Surrendered Securities complies with Rule 144A under the Securities Act; or The transfer of the Surrendered Securities is pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act, the prospectus delivery requirements under the Securities Act have been satisfied with respect to such transfer, the undersigned Holder is named as a "Selling Securityholder" in the prospectus relating to such registration statement, or in amendments or supplements thereto, and the aggregate principal amount of Surrendered Securities transferred are all or a portion of the securities listed in such prospectus opposite the undersigned's name. Dated:_________________* * To be dated the date of surrender. ________________________________________ Signature (If the registered owner is a corporation, partnership or fiduciary, the title of the Person signing on behalf of such registered owner must be stated.)
Form of Certification. 23 ARTICLE III THE SECURITIES
Form of Certification. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE The undersigned registered owner of this Security hereby certifies with respect to $________ Principal Amount of the above-captioned securities presented or surrendered on the date hereof (the "Surrendered Securities") for registration of transfer, or for exchange or conversion where the securities issuable upon such exchange or conversion are to be registered in a name other than that of the undersigned registered owner (each such transaction being a "transfer"), that such transfer complies with the restrictive legend set forth on the face of the Surrendered Securities for the reason checked below: ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities complies with Rule 144 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"); or ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities complies with Rule 144A under the Securities Act; or ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities is to an institutional accredited investor, as defined under Rule 501 of Regulation D under the Securities Act; or ___________ The transfer of the Surrendered Securities is pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act. DATE: ___________________ ___________________ Signature(s) (If the registered owner is a corporation, partnership or fiduciary, the title of the Person signing on behalf of such registered owner must be stated.)